Privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

Welcome to SMOL Games and our “Public Reveal.”

We set forth our privacy policy below, which explains information we and others obtain about you and your use of our initial game that we’re calling Hyde’s Haunt & Seek and what is done with it, so please read it carefully.

  • We don’t sell, rent, or give away your information. 

  • We only share it with people who work on making the game (and the materials we create) who have confidentiality obligations.  

  • Some of the information is collected by third parties through cookies and their own privacy policies. Unfortunately, we don’t have any control over them (and we wish we did).

1. Some Key Points:

The relevant information we receive:

  • We will end up receiving personal information from you such as your name and email address.

  • Some of the systems we use (including those of third parties) will “automatically” collect information such as your IP address.

  • And, some third parties (such as Steam, Discord, Patreon, Squarespace and possibly YouTube) will also collect information (although we have very little control over their collection and use).

What we do with the information:  

  • We use your personal contact information to reply to your comments and questions and to inform you of developments in the game.

  • Information such as your IP address and type of operating system and the like (collected by cookies) is used only to improve users’ experience.

What We Don’t Do:  We don’t sell, rent, or give away your personal information.

2. More Details about your information

Information we receive

Personal Information:  The personal information we collect about you depends on the information you provide to us.  Generally, it may include your name and your email address.

We will receive that kind of personal information when you communicate with us, in whatever way you reach us.  For example, your feedback or bug reports will usually include your name and often your email address.  Keep in mind that, by definition, we will receive whatever information you provide to us in any of these communications.

Other Information:  Some of the information that we receive, such as your IP address, could be considered “personal information” in some jurisdictions.  Some of this information comes from cookies and some will come from third parties you use, such as Discord and Steam.  Please remember that these third parties have their own privacy policies.  

What we do with the information

Personal Information:  We will use the personal information to reply to you or to inform you of developments and so forth.  We will also use that information if we find out that someone is doing nasty things when using Hyde’s Haunt & Seek, whether it is bullying you or just being foul.  That’s it.  

Limited Sharing.  Information used that way will, by necessity, require third parties to use it, such as our email service provider and providers of services we mention above.  People who work with us may end up using that information and they will all have confidentiality obligations.  Sometimes the law requires us to disclose it, too.  If we engage in some kind of financing, it is possible that investors would want access to that information.  They and their advisors will be subject to confidentiality obligations.  We will do what we can to anonymize such information.

Other Information:  We will use the other information (such as IP address) only to evaluate and improve the performance of our services.  We might also use Google Analytics, which gives us site traffic performance in an anonymized format.

Limited Sharing.  As with a lot of the information we receive, we will have to share it with third parties who work on the game with us, such as independent contractors.  All of them will have confidentiality obligations.  Similarly, the law might require disclosure and investors might want to see such information, which will be subject to nondisclosure obligations.  

3. Other Policy Matters

Links to Other Sites.  You might find links to third party sites or you might have come from third party sites. You will be subject to their privacy policies and practices and SMOL is not responsible for those sites, anything on them or available through them. You should review and understand the privacy policy of each such site.

Do Not Track Notice.  SMOL does not respond to Do Not Track signals because, except for Google Analytics, Convoso does not track site visitors across third party sites and over time provides targeted advertising (we don’t provide any advertising anyway). Your browser should be able to set the Do Not Track signal on sites that do respond, thereby enabling you to inform them that you are not to be tracked.

Opting Out of Third Party Cookies.  Your browser may be set to a default that accepts cookies, but usually you can modify those settings to reject cookies. 

Changes to this policy.  We may change this policy from time to time. When we do we will post the changes on our website. Your contacting us, whether through Discord, Twitter, by post, by email or otherwise shall be deemed acceptance of our latest version of this policy.

How to contact us.  Please contact us, by sending an email to you have any questions about this privacy policy or the information we hold about you.

This policy was published on August 22, 2021.