Our mission is to create new and meaningful connections between players.

We’re an unlikely game dev duo who met at USC’s film school once upon a time. Fate eventually led us to found Smol Games, a tiny team with a big dream: To create unlikely connections, uniting a diverse community of players under one virtual “roof” where they can enjoy new kinds of experiences together.

Morgen Stern

Narrative/Visual Director, Marketing Lead

Morgen created the world of Hyde’s Haunt & Seek. On top of writing all the spoopy lore and crafting general ghost mischief, Morgen also leads Hyde’s visual design. These feed directly and indirectly into her third role as head of marketing and communication for Smol Games.

With a background in screenwriting from USC’s film school, and as a creative writer and marketing professional with a decade of experience, Morgen has crafted award-winning pitches (2019 SXSW), innovative brand voices, and immersive storytelling across multiple mediums.

When she’s not pushing letters around a screen, you’ll find her at the barn with her horse. If she’s not there, she’s probably home with her two cats, teaching herself how to draw horses.

David Turpin

Design Director, Engineering Lead

David’s focus is on interaction design and engineering. He lives in the world of game mechanics, UX, and code, and is now using these art forms to bring Hyde Manor to life.

An expert with 14 years of industry experience, David has designed and developed games on almost every major platform including mobiles, consoles, and XR. He’s worked at award-winning studios and served as Lead Interaction Designer and Engineer on the Emmy-nominated VR experience Blade Runner: Memory Lab.

For fun, David is currently playing Sea of Thieves and Halo Infinite, often using rounds of Tetris Effect as a palate-cleaner and brain-resetter.

Beyond games, David’s into, I don’t know, hiking?

Luke Schloemer

Board Member, Technical Art Advisor

As one of the original founding members of Smol Games, Luke leveraged his technical and creative expertise to lay the foundation for the Hyde’s art and graphics technology. Today he serves as an advisor to help keep Hyde running beautifully!